After 17 Years, Aaron Chase Off Cannondale
Damn this is crazy! I remember back when I started riding and internet barely existed, all we had to get pumped before riding was the NWD and Chain Reaction videos. Aaron was in all of them, and he was killing it twice as hard as anyone else, already on a Cannondale bike. We would watch his and Lenosky's sections and be like: "Daaaamn, I wish I can ride like those guys one day!". Couple years later I got to meet Aaron couple times and he's honeslty such an awesome dude to have around, always motivated and stoked on everything. He did way too much for the sport for me to start writing it all down. This being said, I'm curious to see what he has lined up for the future! Head over to Pinkbike to read a little Article about Aaron partin ways with Cannondale, and make sure you check out our Aaron Chase Interview from couple years ago.
December 12, 2014