As 2020 is about to end, here we are at that moment where we take a step back and have a look at how we made it through the last 12 months. Writing these year-end posts is usually pretty simple but as you all know, 2020 was one crazy year to say the least.. The popular phrase "What a time to be alive" seems to get more accurate every single day lately and it seems to be far from over.

We know it's been a rough year for everyone, either mentally, physically or financially. It is obviously easier said than done, but one needs to remember that he has total control on the outcome of his life. Whatever situation you have to deal with, as unfavorable as it can be, you always have the choice to either sit on your ass and complain, or find a way to make the best out of it (which we strongly encourage you to do!). Don't get me wrong; Covid-19 messed everything up and it absolutely sucks, but remember that the species that adapts is the species that survives.

It's hard to be optimistic regarding Covid-19, but if there is one thing it did arguably right for us, it has to be it's timing. The reason why I say this is because after organizing 3 Partymaster Tours in a row for 2017, 2018 and 2019, we were getting a little exhausted and decided not to organize one for 2020. Putting these Tours together requires months of preparation, and had we put in all that work only to see everything cancelled at the last minute would have been a tough one for us. This being said, we kicked off 2020 by releasing a 6-episode Series covering the 2019 Partymaster Tour:


It's been pretty much impossible for us to travel this year because, you guessed it, pretty much the whole world was in lockdown all year. The same goes for events, but luckily we had one early in february that wasn't canceled. It wasn't the craziest event of all times, but when you have the opportunity to build indoor ramps and shred them with the boys during a Canadian winter, you can't complain!

Around that same time, Walter Mayerhofer didn't have that winter problem as he spent a few weeks riding around Tenerife in the Canary Islands. Ottawa's The Yard was very nice to us aswell and invited us over for a private session which is always a blast! We also managed to spend a weekend up at The Brose Farm and that was super fun aswell.

We also released 2 videos from our team riders; Louis Lhomel flying around his local park like a madman, and Walter Mayerhofer with a solid street video that was 2 years in the making. What a treat that was!

Despite these tough times, we did out best to stay active and keep the ball rolling. Aside from the videos, we released a new website, new clothing and accessories, and we have a lot more coming in 2021, maybe even the Partymaster V2?

Thanks to everyone who supports what we do, it always means a lot to us to get this much support from the bike community and beyond. We wish everyone a happy 2021 and hope to see you sooner than later!

December 29, 2020

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