The awesome year of 2012

Unexpected Thursday 27: Indoor session in Linz, Austria
Unexpected Thursday 29: Trip to Vegas and California
Unexpected Thursday 30: Indoor session at Taz
Unexpected Thursday 32: Montreal Street mixAside from the UT videos, we made a bunch of other exclusive edits over the year that are worth giving a second watch:
2012 Ray's MTB Roadtrip: Video & photos of our annual trip to Ray's MTB
Euro Trippin Full video: Trip to Italy, Austria and Spain
Matt Macduff Woodward West Park edit: Matt in Woodward West's indoor park
MTL Street Session: Video of a Street ride we organised in Montreal We also did a bunch of interviews with people OGs aswell as up and comers:
Aaron Chase: Interesting interview about Aaron and the roots of Street MTB
Marius Hoppensack: Rider and owner of Beddo Bikes from Germany
Brett Rheeder: Ontarian rider that finished 4th on the FMB tour this year
Jordane Dubois: Local BMXer really killing it lately
Interbike Coverage: A little coverage of this year's Interbike show There was also a lot of really good videos from all the homies but aren't TR exclusives:
Matt Macduff's Moment of Truth: Matt rides the Step up jump at Woodward West
Walter Mayerhofer's SBG edit: Walter rides his local town Salzburg
Michel Plonka Dobermann Bikes edit Filmed at le Taz last spring
Shipshaw Dam trip: The Lamas riding an enormous dam!
Jeremy Menduni Bikecheck: Jeremy talks about his new bike and rides in Ottawa
Kent Woods Park Session: Because this dude's a badass
Lama Gopro mixtape: Mix of Gopro Footage from the Lama guys
Michel Plonka ILLBike edit: Michel's welcome edit
Matt Macduff - Dreams: Matt build an insane dirt park in Nova Scotia and made an edit there And finally, because we're not just about getting stuff done on the bike, we made these cooking videos just for fun and it turned out awesome. The best part about this is that one of them somehow ended up on Pinkbike's main page and got 30k views.. Internet is awesome.
KD Buttery Paradise
KD for your GirlfriendOnce again, thanks to all of you out there for all the support, you guys are the best! See you in 2013 for another awesome year!