Ten Pack BMX closing it's doors

Without any notice, the biggest BMX Distributor in Canada just closed it's doors. Ten Pack BMX was around for more than 15 years carrying some of the biggest brands in BMX and supporting the scene. There's not much info about the closing so far, hopefully we can get some more information soon. Here are some words from the owners:
“It’s true, after 15+ years of bring the best brands in BMX to Canada, Ten Pack Distribution is closing. We’d like to thank all of those riders and shops that have supported us over the years and hope that they will continue to support us with MacNeil Bikes going forward as that is going to be our sole focus.
It’s been a wild time and were super grateful to all of our staff past and present for helping with all of the side projects like Merto Jam, Elevation and Chase magazine. All of these seemingly crazy things that Jay thought up have made for an crazy memorable decade and a half.
Darcy and Jamie”
Considering our good homie Jordane Dubois rides for Verde and Demolition via Ten Packs, I believe this is a good time to give another watch to his Ten Pack BMX edit from a while back.
So, who do you think is going to pick up all those brands now?
March 06, 2014