Partymaster V2 Giveaway !

The lucky winner of the giveaway with his new Partymaster V2: Ollie Dewe !

That's right, here is your chance to WIN a brand new Partymaster V2 frame!
How to Enter:
- Order Anything from our Website. Each product ordered gives you 1 Coupon for the Giveaway.
- You have until November 10th 11:59 EST to place orders and Enter the Giveaway. The winner will be announced on November 11th.
Yes, the rules are pretty straight forward. If you order 1 product, you get 1 coupon. Order 5 Products, get 5 Coupons, simple as that.
On November 11th, we will go on Instagram Live and prepare all the coupons accorded to every participants. We will then proceed to a Live Draw to find out who is the lucky winner of a brand new The Rise Partymaster V2 frame!
The Giveaway is open Worldwide, shipping & customs fees will be covered by The Rise. That means if you WIN the frame, you get the frame ABSOLUTELY FREE. No bullshit!
*Color may vary depending on availability*
October 25, 2022
justin prado said:
i hope i winnn❤️
Martin robert said:
Time to change my old .243 racing
Jonathan Alexis Escobar Molina said:
I would love to win that frame, because I need it and it would make me very happy.
greetings from Mexico🇲🇽
Jessy said:
Time to change my old dobermann pinscher hehe
Thierry Arsenault said:
Tibet said:
Wayne said:
The best
mikael bahr said:
put 4k into a 2k15’ zircus frame when i was younger. this frame would look a hell of a lot better with all those parts haha