The Partymaster Tour Dates Announced !

Have you ever wondered what would happen if a bunch of reckless bike riders were to hit the road with a lunatic stoner rock band? Well, that’s exactly what’s about to happen. This september, The Rise team will hit the road with rock band Blue Cheese packed into a custom-made bus, stopping in 7 key cities across Quebec and Ontario. Daytime rides will be organized to destroy the best local spots with The Rise’s crew, followed by rock shows by Blue Cheese at the best local venues to set the night on fire! Get ready for one hell of a trip, you don’t want to miss any of it! Check out the Tour Dates below, and check out The Partymaster Tour Facebook Page for all the infos!
The Partymaster Tour 2017 Dates:
8/31/2017 – Gatineau, Qc
9/01/2017 – Ottawa, On
9/02/2017 – Lake Doré, On
9/03/2017 – Kingston, On
9/06/2017 – Kitchener, On
9/07/2017 – Toronto, On
9/08/2017 – Toronto, On
9/09/2017 – Montreal, Qc
Stay up to date via the Partymaster Tour Facebook Page. More the merrier, the merrier, so make sure to invite all your people to come shred and hang out! It doesn’t matter if you need to quit your job or cancel your wedding to make it happen, be assured that this is going to be one insane adventure and you will regret it forever if you don’t tag along! See y’all on the road!