Partymaster Tour - Complete Series Now Available
For a third consecutive year, The Rise succeeded in embarking their team on the unique journey that is the Partymaster Tour. Once again, The Rise documented the whole adventure in a 6-episode long Web Series, now available in it’s entirety on Youtube. Directed by Louis Lhomel, the series pulls you head first into a roadtrip where a genuine sense of belonging and contageous energy create the ultimate experience.
"I don't know how, these 17 guys were crazily friendly and I felt like I'm at home, and this is very rare. Very, very rare."
- Pavel Alekhin

"It's the best time ever. Basically I die and go to heaven, and that's the rock tour."- Matt Macduff

The Partymaster Tour is an initiative from The Rise; a Montreal Freestyle MTB company focused on showcasing the sport and the culture behind it. The objective is to create a community where people benefit from each other and grow as a group while motivating each other to get out there and raise the bar to better oneself. Built from the ground up by The Rise and its riders, The Partymaster Tour proved to be successful at bringing people together and sharing the biking culture and it’s lifestyle to the public.

All episodes are now available to watch on our Youtube Channel. Due to the current conditions around the world, the Partymaster Tour will not be happening in 2020, but in case the series has you begging for more, feel free to watch the 2017 and 2018 editions. We hope to see you sooner than later everyone, stay safe!