Matt Macduff Top 5's
Name : Matthew Macduff
Age : 18
Location : Richmond Green, ON
Sponsors : Dobermann Bikes

5 Riders I am Stocked on right now:
- Brett Kilroy
- Garret Reynolds
- Pavel Alyokhin Vishnevy
- Ty Morrow
- Michel Plonka
- Ryan Kor
5 Things I like to do when I am not riding:
- See my beautiful girl friend!!!
- Work at a clock shop for money
- Play lots of video games
- Fart
- Eat lots and drink lots
5 Places I want to travel to:
- Barcelona
- Paris
- Germany
- China
- Australia
5 Essential items when I travel:
- Money- no money no funny
- Tooth brush
- Bike
- A friend or 2 or 10
- Deodorant
5 Last people I called:
- Brett Kilroy
- My Girlfriend
- My mom
- The ghostbusters
- Michael Gray

5 Best accomplishments:
- Getting the student of the month award in grade 6
- Hop trucks/whips
- Getting lade (Have Sexy-time!!!)
- Beating "Through the fire and flames" on expert
- Growing my hair to extremely long length never before seen on my head
5 Favorite food:
- Poutine
- Grilled cheese
- Pizza
- Ice cream
- Burgers
5 Things I look forward to in 2010
- Going to Europe
- Christmas
- Going back to MTL and having La Belle Province
- Traveling somewhere with my girlfriend
- Growing my hair really long, to keep me warm in winter
Age : 18
Location : Richmond Green, ON
Sponsors : Dobermann Bikes

5 Riders I am Stocked on right now:
- Brett Kilroy
- Garret Reynolds
- Pavel Alyokhin Vishnevy
- Ty Morrow
- Michel Plonka
- Ryan Kor
5 Things I like to do when I am not riding:
- See my beautiful girl friend!!!
- Work at a clock shop for money
- Play lots of video games
- Fart
- Eat lots and drink lots
5 Places I want to travel to:
- Barcelona
- Paris
- Germany
- China
- Australia
5 Essential items when I travel:
- Money- no money no funny
- Tooth brush
- Bike
- A friend or 2 or 10
- Deodorant
5 Last people I called:
- Brett Kilroy
- My Girlfriend
- My mom
- The ghostbusters
- Michael Gray

5 Best accomplishments:
- Getting the student of the month award in grade 6
- Hop trucks/whips
- Getting lade (Have Sexy-time!!!)
- Beating "Through the fire and flames" on expert
- Growing my hair to extremely long length never before seen on my head
5 Favorite food:
- Poutine
- Grilled cheese
- Pizza
- Ice cream
- Burgers
5 Things I look forward to in 2010
- Going to Europe
- Christmas
- Going back to MTL and having La Belle Province
- Traveling somewhere with my girlfriend
- Growing my hair really long, to keep me warm in winter
July 22, 2009